Finding Gratitude

Holidays are strange this year, and I am working hard at trying to find things to be thankful for. Last week a friend started a daily gratitude post, finding something small to be thankful for every day. I posted several things over the week, but this week has been tough, and right now I am having to work hard to find some gratitude.

Our aging beach cottage with the new building looming over it from the back yard. And yes, that is Herbie in front of the house.

Our aging beach cottage with the new building looming over it from the back yard. And yes, that is Herbie in front of the house.

Our house is older than I am, and it's showing its age. We have known all along that we had "vintage" plumbing and occasionally it would remind us. This is an old beach cottage from the WWII era, with a single bathroom. We have become regular customers of the local drain cleaning service to keep everything running properly. A couple weeks ago the tub/shower started draining slowly. With COVID we were hesitant to have anyone in to work on it, if we could avoid it. We took quick showers and tried not to over-tax the plumbing. Then the sink started draining slowly, but the tub suddenly drained normally again. So, kind of good news?

Then came this week.

Yesterday I got news that the candidate we liked had accepted our offer and I would have a replacement to train. Woohoo! I get to go back to my retirement - except he can't start until January, and will need several weeks of training, so it will still be a couple months before I can re-retire.

Some months certainly feel longer than others...

Some months certainly feel longer than others...

I came home from work and headed to my office to write a column for today. Because this month, in addition to its other issues, has five Sundays which means adding an extra post to the schedule.

I pushed the power button on the computer. Nothing. Tried it several times. Still nothing. It eventually started, but it was far too quiet. Still, I could open files, and load programs. Took a couple minutes to realize there was no fan noise. I immediately shut it down and suddenly "computer replacement" moved to the top of the list. Yes, I might be able to repair it, but it's at least a decade old (prehistoric for a computer) and whatever we fix this time, something else will likely break soon.

Ate dinner, watched a little TV, did some online window shopping for a new computer, and realized it was getting late. Time for a quick shower and bed.

But the universe wasn't through with me. Nope. It comes in threes, right?

Stepped in the shower and realized the water wasn't draining. At all. Of course this happened on a Friday night, because nothing in the house ever messes up on a Tuesday morning when there's a repair person easily available. Nope! Friday night.

Showers are wonderful things. Most of the time.

Showers are wonderful things. Most of the time.

So here I am, trying to find things to be grateful for.

There's a YouTube personality I follow, Justin Scarred. I will write a recommendation for his videos and podcasts at some point, but I want to shout out to him for the basis of the things he posts. A few years back when he was in a really lousy situation he adopted what he calls his Quest for Positivity, and his posts often reference his struggle to maintain a positive attitude.

Certainly positivity and mindfulness won't cure depression or fix brain chemistry, but his choice to share his struggle and to encourage others is refreshing and reassuring.

Today I am listening to one of his recent podcasts, and it's helping. So I will course-correct my response to my current situation.

Yes, I am still working, but I know there is a time limit of just a couple months. Ten weeks or so. It's not a lifetime, it's just a pause.

Yes, I need to replace my computer, but at least it didn't crash and refuse to restart, or destroy the hard disk. I can recover the information that's there, and I have the important stuff backed up. Besides that, I don't need a super-duper, top-of-the-line machine - and I can afford to buy what I need.

Yes, we have to have someone come in and deal with the plumbing, but we know reliable, affordable services here in town who will likely be available without too much delay. Even if there is a delay I work in a top-tier hotel and if the plumber can't get here quickly we can always stay at the hotel a day or two.

Yes, a bunch of stupid stuff went wrong this week, but a lot went right, too.

I have managed to make up a lot of work in the office, and there is definite progress being made. In addition, my staff (that feels so strange after 20+ years of being staff) are amazing and they are learning and doing more and more with each passing week.

My family are all healthy, and with the encouraging news coming out on the vaccine front we are able to redouble our efforts to stay safe, knowing things will change for the better.

I found health insurance for my husband, still a little too young for Medicare, that will provide adequate care and won't to break the bank.

Even with the computer problems I was able to use one of our other machines and produce that fifth-Sunday column I needed, and get it posted on time.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving dinner with friends who are in our "bubble," and while we couldn't have the kids with us, they each had people within their "bubbles" with whom they could share the day.

We roasted our own turkey here at home, and we have lots of leftovers for the freezer.

Really - that's a lot to be grateful for!