I’ve been a bit scarce lately, and there were reasons. Here’s what I posted to Patreon a couple weeks ago. Some of the specific projects have been completed, but there’s more to come, as you will see!
As I said earlier, my daughter was here for Mother's Day weekend and I got a bit distracted. But it was more than that - a LOT more!
In the last few weeks my fiction production has taken up a much larger portion of my time (yeah, I will have more to say about time management), I've been learning new software (I'll have things to say about that, too), I've taken on several new projects (all good!), and the big news ...
I am retiring.
Third time's a charm.
All that.
As I told the folks at the day job - y'all stop laughing. I think I actually know the meaning of that word this time. Really.
I should have my special projects wrapped up, though there may be some occasional details I will have to address, but this Friday (2 days away!!) will be my last day in the office. I am already working at cleaning out my desk. Yes, again.
I have held off talking about this here until we actually got close to the day. I didn't want to jinx anything, and I kind of worried that something would happen at the last minute and I would get sucked back into giving them a few more days, or a couple more weeks. As a result, though, the day job has been sucking up a lot of time and energy over the last couple weeks, but that is coming to an end
The new department manager is absolutely determined not to pull me back in, and I think he can really do it. For starters, he is willing and able to ask for help the instant he realizes he will need it (yep, another topic we can talk about as we move forward), and he won't wait until the situation is dire.
The biggest takeaway from all of this is to learn from our mistakes (yet another topic for the future), and do better going forward.
One of the other things that has taken up my attention is the promotion for the Write Stuff bundle, which included the first compilation of these columns. (The bundle expires in about 24 hours, at 10 pm Pacific time on Thursday May 12, for anyone who hasn't had a chance to pick it up. https://storybundle.com/writing)
Anyone currently subscribed to Patreon at the Kahlo level or above will get a copy of the ebook soon - the book was exclusive to the bundle - and it will be available for purchase shortly after that.
So that's the big news for now, and a peek at what's coming. I hope you'll all be with me for the months ahead!