Suddenly Sunday Setbacks

Reading in the morning quiet when I realized I'd completely lost track of what day it is - something I was told happens when you retire - and I hadn't posted to my channel yet this week.

I am also waiting on a print proof which was due today. So before I headed to the office I went out to check the mailbox. No joy. But that wasn't the real problem. 

No, I had to complicate the day - by being distracted and not seeing the patch of mud until it was too late. My feet went out from under me and I landed flat on my back in the wet and mud. I wish I'd had a video of it, you can bet that sucker would have gone viral!

Nothing appears to be damaged. So far. I think I was actually lucky that I went down fairly flat and didn't land on my tailbone. Fingers crossed nothing decides to become unhappy later today. Seems like I bounce pretty good for an old broad.

I came back in soaked through, changed into dry clothes from the skin out, and am now sitting with a cup of coffee and watching a video of other people's problems. If you would like to join me, i just watched the latest from Laura Kampf on the problems with building her tiny house, and how she deals with setbacks when she is making things.