I had no idea it had been so long since I posted here, and I am embarrassed to admit that. But there have been some time-consuming events, and I let the distractions take over.
First and foremost, we are all fine. Everything’s good. No one is ill, no one is injured, and while life has been hectic, we are fine.
So, where have I been? (Thanks for asking, Nancy. Sorry it’s been so long!)
Shortly after my last post, about the homeward leg of our cross-country trip last fall, we got a little bit of wanderlust and decided to drive down to California and visit our son for his birthday - the son who, we found out when we called with our idea, had just scheduled a Vegas trip for said birthday. The trip went from a long weekend to California and back, to a couple weeks with a side trip to Las Vegas for several days, and some business developments that soon took over my life.
The weather was fantastic!
I love my son, but I made him buy his own birthday present!
While in Las Vegas our friends there talked with me about some issues they were facing with the company they own here in town. They wanted to make some changes and asked if I was willing to come aboard part-time to help with the transitions. When people you care about ask for help, you say yes. I thought it might be a few weeks of a couple hours here and there, and maybe setting up some procedures for the things they wanted to institute.
You can guess what comes next …
The details of the changes are not mine to share, but the upshot is that I am working 30+ hours a week, having a blast and learning a lot of new stuff as well as applying the things I already knew to a new company.
Oh, and I agreed to act as a facilitator for a workshop in Las Vegas the first week of August. And to edit an anthology of short cozy mysteries.
So that’s where I am.
Busy, loving the work, walking to and from work every day because the office is only about half a mile away, and generally enjoying my summer. The walking had proven beneficial for both my physical health (down a few pounds!) and mental health. Getting out for a quick walk in the good weather really helps my outlook.
From my walk home a couple days ago. I crossed the street, not wanting to disturb her dinner, but she was still keeping an eye on me! This was taken less than a block from home.
I’m only in it for the cookies, you understand. But they don’t have Nutter Butters any more, and this was the only time I got them!
Last week I was finally able to donate blood again, after being deferred several times for low hemoglobin.
I also was the guest of a local book club who had selected one of my mystery novels as their book this month. It was delightful, their questions were thoughtful and the evening was thoroughly enjoyable.
The kids are coming for a visit later this week, which gave us the impetus to clear out the detritus that had accumulated in the guest room and get it ready for them as well as for the house-sitter who will come while we are in Las Vegas. Bonus: the revised space will make a lovely, quiet reading space when our company is gone.
Things accumulate. We made some space, put in a new rug, and hauled the bed down from the attic.No, that’s not laundry, it’s a basket with clean linens to go on the bed. But wait …
We were still sorting papers when I took this, but it had already come a long way. And all those messy piles and boxes are gone now!
One last thing - we are starting our Las Vegas visit with a celebration the night before the workshop starts - Sunday, the 4th of August will be our 40th wedding anniversary.
I think we must be doing something right.
I hope you are all well, living your best lives and creating what brings you joy!