I am looking at a birthday card someone sent me that’s tacked to a bulletin board in my office. The picture is of a wet - and very unhappy looking - cat. The text says “Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” On the inside of the card it says “And if that doesn’t work out, then tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.”
My birthday was several months ago, but this card is still on my bulletin board.
Right now I identify with that cat. A lot. Because right now it feels like I am starting over and I may need to start over again tomorrow. And the day after that, and the day after that.
Right now it feels like we are each living our own version of Groundhog Day, with each day feeling like the one before, like starting over.
When every day feels like an out-of-focus escalator to nowhere, you have to find a way to move forward.
But just like Bill Murray’s character in Groundhog Day (a movie I really love, in case you haven’t guessed) we can choose how we deal with the situation, and I think creativity may be a saving grace for all of us.
Think about it: All around us things continue to bog down in a pandemic that seems to be never-ending. This isn’t a political argument. Whatever else can be said, the toll the ongoing threat of Covid is taking on the mental health of the world is heavy, and unrelenting. Days and weeks run together, unchanging.
We have all seen the memes that tell us surviving under these trying circumstances is an accomplishment, and it is. But as people with a desire to create we need to do more than just survive.
We need to create.
So today I have a suggestion for all of us.
While we are looking forward to the new year, and are working to set out goals, or make our resolutions, I propose we do more. What do I mean by that?
Let’s WEAPONIZE our creativity in the fight against the cloud of existential dread that threatens our mental health. When we feel like we’re losing hope, let us pick up our pens, our brushes, our baking pans, needles, saws, pliers - whater your particular tools are - and MAKE something, anything.
I don't knw WHY this person painted angry eyes on their blower, but it IS creative, and that is what matters!
Fight the darkness with the product of your own creative need.
Yes, I am trying to figure out how to break out of the funk that seems to have taken over in the last few weeks. A variety of medical annoyances (for me), and health complications (for Steve) have depleted my mental reserves. Major changes - including Steve leaving his job, insurance issues, and financial challenges - while all manageable, have piled on top of each other and sucked up all my time, energy, and attention.
I’m tired of the continuing challenges we are facing, but more than that I am tired to allowing these intrusions to distract me from the things that feed my psyche, and I am angry with myself for allowing that to happen.
So I am adding to the list of intentions I posted last week. Besides that list –
I will use my creativity to fight the darkness.
I will allow myself to create for the joy of creating, even if I have no other goal.
I will say yes to opportunities to create.
Maybe you’re weathering this better than I am, but I hope that by putting this out into the world I can create a space where it is safe to admit to this dread and despair. A place where we can find sympathy and support. A place where we can remind ourselves and each other that any creative act, no matter how small or simple, is lighting a match in the darkness to help each of us find out way through.
I'm going to go write a story. What are you going to do?