Ten Things About Creativity

Today I am deferring to The Oatmeal, which is celebrating their 10th anniversary with a series of posts on the subject of Ten Things  I Learned About Creativity in Ten Years.  

Of course, it isn't really ten things, because creativity doesn't work that way for most of us. When we tell ourselves we will do ABC, our creative brain seems to become exceedingly contrary and deliver XYZ, or DEF, or GHJKMP, or the entire alphabet, but out of order.

The Oatmeal is not always G-rated - these are the same people who gave us the card game Exploding Kittens, after all) so consider this a language warning, if such things matter to you. And I am amazed at how much the artist, Matthew Inman, managed to pack into eight (not ten) comic strips. I want to talk about a lot of the things he presents here, but I feel like he's already said what needs to be said.

(I may try anyway, with less-salty language. Not because I don't swear - just ask the people that know me! - but because I try to maintain at least a little decorum on my page here.)

And my sincere thanks to patron Stephannie T. for pointing out Part 1, Erasers are Wonderful.